14 Spokes for My MOD MOD
14 Spokes in complementary colors for my MOD MOD Quilt.
Cathy L in IA
Sane, Crazy, Crumby Quilting
A Challenge (instead of a topic) in July
Linda suggested this idea and I liked it … probably because I’ve been planning to make a star block for this project for almost a year and have never gotten around to it.
Maybe you’ve already made a block for Astronaut Karen Nyberg’s Star Block Challenge … or, like me, you meant to, but never got around to it? The deadline is August 1, which makes it a great challenge for July.
You can download the flyer from Quilts Inc, with the guidelines and info about where to send your star block, here:
Astronomical Quilts! Block Challenge
Basically, you just need to make ONE 9-inch (finished size) star block, in any pattern or colors, with no added embellishments. I’ll update this list with star block patterns we’ve made as part of the block lotto, but you can use any star block pattern of your choice.
If you have already made a block for this challenge, you’re all set–just share it by blogging about it and adding a link. If not, you have until the end of the month to make your block and send it to Houston. You can blog about it here (use the category block lotto community and the tag star challenge) or on your own blog.
2 for June
Here are my 2 for June!
Great block, now I want to make a whole quilt using this block with these wonderful bright colors!!
Sophie, add these to the donation list :).
Good luck everyone!
Update for MMQAL sampler
Hi everyone,
Here is an update on my sampler. My beads on a string are underway, just need to add the string.
I still need to make one chain-star and one double chevron block plus the sunrise ones, so am not too far behind. Thanks Margaret
This is What Half-Way Looks Like at My House
The alignment isn’t good, but all the blocks for the first six months of my Full/Queen-sized sampler are there, close to where they will be in the finished quilt.
Sunrises for My Sampler
I groaned when I saw this block and found out I had to make 10 for my sampler. I also know myself well enough to know that if I didn’t get them made this month they would never get made and my sampler would go on the UFO pile. I’m also one that doesn’t shy away from a challenge so I plunged in this weekend to get these made since I’ll be out of town at a family reunion next weekend.
Surprise! They really aren’t all that difficult to make. I think I found the most difficult part was sewing the two blocks together. It is important to make sure the joining seams are accurately trimmed to 1/4 inch. I pressed the seam open because it is rather bulky in certain areas.
I just pieced the half circle areas with no problems. I think it was easier when sewed the inner circle first. I just clipped, pinned and sewed like set in sleeves in a shirt/dress. When sewing this way you can see the markings where the paper pieced seams cross and easily sew without cutting off points. (I probably should have taken a picture since I don’t think I’m explaining it properly).
I’m doing my sampler blocks in complementary colors and from stash and so far I’m loving it.
Thanks, Sophie, for such an awesome block.
Cathy L in IA
Sane, Crazy, Crumby Quilting
Catching up on sampler blocks
After some trial-and-error I decided to stick with the white background for all my sampler blocks, rather than doing some as white-on-blue. Here are the subsections I made with the May blocks. It’s coming along….
PS. I have 3 May blocks I didn’t post that are white bars on a blue background. If any of the May winers would like them, respond to this post and I’ll mail them off to you.
Fun with the Sun
I need 6 sun blocks for my sampler. I did not have enough yellow, aqua and turquoise to make blocks for both the lotto and the sampler. I decided to use different colors for my sampler so I could contribute another block to this month’s lotto. It was fun!
Star Chain Make-up Blocks
Thank you, Julie P, Cathy and Charlene, for helping me make those make-up Star Chain blocks.
(The background of the large block really is lime green and not nearly as yellow as it looks on my screen and probably yours.)
While I was working on them today, I couldn’t resist making a few little star-chain blocks. The little blocks on the right are 5 1/4 inches (finished size). The center star is made from 3/4-inch units … I questioned my own sanity a little bit when I was making 3/4 inch quarter-square-triangles … and when I twisted a couple of those, I couldn’t make myself rip them out to correct them …
Sun Rising over Mod Mod Sampler
It has been six months since I joined Block Lotto and I am having a great time! I like the way my scrappy mod mod sampler is coming along. Since I wanted to work with the fabric I have and not buy, some of the colors or piecing changed a little.
I was pleased to when I saw the June block had curved piecing. Learning to sew curved seams is on my to do list. Although it has been challenging, it wasn’t as difficult as I thought. I have a few puckers and sizing for the first few blocks are close but not exact. I hope by the tenth block I will have something to submit for the lotto.