Ready, Set, Mail
I have sent the mailing info to everyone who made and posted Dutchman’s Puzzle blocks.
- If you should have received mail but didn’t–or vice-versa–be sure to let me know ASAP.
- Ditto if you check the mailing info sheet and find a mistake in your information.
Mr Zip and I thank you.
More Color ideas from Pantone …
I admit to a little fascination over the years with Pantone’s pick for color of the year, mostly from the aspect of an observer. If you pay attention, you may notice the color popping up in your life–whether you are looking for it or not–in fashion, in home decor and even in website design. Recently I noticed some home decor items at Target, including these bookends.
About a week ago I dreamed of buying a new wallet in this color … and actually started looking around to see if I could find one.
For those who aren’t sure if their fabrics say “greenery,” you might click over to their site and watch the inspiration video at the top of this page.
As you can see in the quote from their Executive Director, for them the color embodies reassurance, rejuvenation, revitalization and a reconnection with nature, one another and a larger purpose. I don’t know about all that, but … it is a nice shade of green and as a fan of green, I like it.
On their website, Pantone suggests a number of color palettes which include greenery … I thought some of them would make interesting palettes for a quilt, what do you think? Which do you like? (All images from Pantone Color Institute Website)
The Three Bears – A Fill-in-the-Blocks Quilt Idea
If you follow my personal blog, Sophie Junction, then you may have already seen this quilt design.
It started percolating in my head as I was thinking about a sampler quilt design for this year’s 8 inch lotto blocks. But I hope you don’t think of it as a sampler design ONLY. My idea was to create a quilt pattern into which you could fill-in-the-blocks. What you use to fill them with is up to you.
You could fill them with:
- 8 1/2 inch squares of a large scale fabric that you wanted to feature (and not cut up)
- Plain squares in which you could feature quilting or embroidery
- A set of 8 inch (finished size) blocks all the same pattern (maybe some lotto blocks you have won)
- A set of sampler blocks–yes, I will likely make a sampler quilt from this year’s lotto blocks using this pattern.
- Orphan blocks that are 8 inches (finished size) or smaller–add background strips to the smaller blocks to make them all 8 1/2 inches before you sew them into the quilt.
So, for example, if you made a bunch of the split heart blocks included in this month’s block pattern using a bunch off pink and purple batiks and added two fabrics–one for all the background and one for the contrasting fabric in the half-square triangles, it might look like this.
The quilt pattern has all the yardages, cutting and directions for everything EXCEPT the blocks you choose to feature.
How about red triangles on a white background with blue stars for a Quilt of Valor or other military/patriotic quilt?
I am calling this pattern The Three Bears because it comes in three sizes:
Baby Bear – add 12 blocks for a quilt that is 54 by 58 inches.
Mama Bear – add 24 blocks for a quilt that is 68 by 96 inches (the size shown here).
Papa Bear – add 36 blocks for a quilt that is 96 inches square.
The pattern will include fabric yardage needed for each size, directions for making the alternate block and the pieced setting triangles and directions for putting it all together. There will also be color sheets for each size so you can play around with your own color ideas.
You will be able to purchase/download it in a few days … BUT if you make and post blocks, you’ll receive a coupon to download it for FREE. I will send out the coupon code with the mailing instructions at the end of the month.
What do you think?
Interesting setting for blocks you may win (or maybe won in the past)?
Interesting for a sampler quilt?
Would you like to see more fill-in-the-blocks quilt designs for this year’s blocks?
Back for 2017
Couldn’t find the time to join in 2016 but I did finish an older quilt from this wonderful site. And ready to start another again.
Check out out the finished project quilted to 1/2 an inch.
RECAP of My 2016 block lotto challenge – from blocks to tops
My challenge for 2016 was to make 12 tops and 2 quilt finished from block lotto blocks. I completed 10 tops and had no finishes. Without this public challenge to myself I probably would not have completed any tops, so I consider this challenge a success!
Old MacDonald Flimsy Finished
I have not made any January hearts yet, but I did finish my top using the 2016 blocks and Sophie’s Old MacDonald design. My changes included different butterflies, different spiky leaves and extra chickens and chicks … I really enjoyed making those birds, and didn’t submit any for the lotto because I wanted to keep them all. Thanks, Sophie for the cute design and a great year of blocks!
Pieced strings
I made 9 pieced strings blocks for this month’s lotto but I didn’t stop there. I alternated the strings with units for the Quiltville En Provence mystery — I’m not sure which were the leaders-and-enders. I’m all caught up with the mystery units and 72 string blocks are now a flimsy (=unquilted top). (54 x 66)
I’m still going to participate in the lotto!
Ideas for 2017
After 3-1/2 years in BL I have begun to see blocks that might be good for the lotto. (Unusual but not overly intricate.) I’ve sent them along to Sophie for her idea file. I was able to participate in all but two months this year — I just couldn’t get the pieced leaves to work out and I don’t have easy access to an enlarging photocopier for the chickens. I enjoyed making the blocks for the other ten months. Ideas for 2017? I’d love baskets and/or schoolhouses.
What I Really, Really Want for 2017 Block Lotto
Well, first of all, I’m a big fan, even though I don’t play every month. I like the simple blocks the best and the paper-pieced blocks the least. I like the colors Sophie specifies — she keeps track of what we’ve done and spreads the colors nicely around. And the 6-1/2″ blocks are the best for me and for the mail. As far as the mystery block and quilt-a-longs, they just don’t appeal to me. I’d rather just make blocks and keep my fingers crossed that I might win once in a while. That way, I can make a whole quilt, work out the setting, sashing options, etc., and create a Block Lotto “original”. And it’s a good challenge for my inner designer. I guess I might someday put a lot of the stray blocks into a table runner or a baby quilt to use or give away, but not a whole sampler quilt. If I had my “druthers”, I could handle a whole year of only solid fabrics. I love to use them in quilts and they really pack a punch. Another option I’d be OK with is some “reprise” blocks from years past. I’ve only been on board for a few years, and I know there are some wonderful blocks out there that could bear repeating. I’ve brought a few friends into Block Lotto with me, so we now have a little cluster of folks in Western Michigan. So, let’s give a big cheer for Sophie — and I’m hoping she will have a happy year in 2017 in her new house with her sewing machines, cats, and creativity!
So Tell Me What You Want, What You Really Really Want …
This may seem late in coming, but I really really would like to know if anyone intends to continue following the Block Lotto (and making lotto blocks) in 2017.
- Is there anything that would make a difference in your decision to continue to play along?
- Larger blocks or keeping them small (and easier to mail)? A variety of sizes?
- More traditional blocks? More improvisational blocks? More difficult blocks?
- New colors? Different color combinations? A favorite color combination that we’ve not made before (or recently)?
- Does it make a difference if there is a sampler quilt pattern and quilt-along? What would make joining a sampler QAL compelling to you?
- Anything else you’d like to share about the Block Lotto? Now’s the time.
I have a few ideas for next year, but haven’t (yet) made any decisions about blocks, direction or quilt design. And I’d love to hear what you think.
With apologies if you now also have a Spice Girls song stuck in your head, but tell me what you want, what you really really want …