Need address of where to send my hen, please!
I need the address of where to send my single hen, please. My podunk-holler email provider did an upgrade and I have not received any email sent between Dec. 3 and today. Plus they wiped out any saved webmail I had in my inbox, contacts and sent mail. According to the website they are still working on it but it’s a weekend so I think not. Anyway…email is working for now so if someone could send me Barb’s addy I might see it and be able to get the address on an envelope before emails disappear.
Cathy (until I change email addy!!!!!)
Here a Chick (block), There a Chick (block) …
For those looking for the block directions for the chicks in the Old MacDonald’s Mystery Sampler layout … here they are.
These are traditionally pieced and although you start with quite a few pieces–some which are quite small, they go together quite quickly.
All the triangle shapes are added using the technique I usually call “Snowball corners” (somehow appropriate because snow is starting to fall in Santa Fe). You start with a small triangle and a larger shape to which you want to add the triangle.
- Align the two pieces, right sides together, edges aligned along the outside edges.
- Draw a line across the diagonal of the small square (or eyeball it) and sew on the line
- Trim the excess fabric and press the seam
Cutting Fabrics
For each block, you will need to cut:
Sewing the Block
Decide if your chick will face left or right.
Add snowball corners as follows:
Add 1 1/4 inch squares of background to the bottom (both sides) of 3 1/2 inch square
- Add 1 inch square of background to the top of the 3 1/2 inch sure on the side your chick will be facing.
- Add 1 1/2 inch square of Chick fabric to the end of the 1 1/2 inch x 3 1/2 inch rectangle on the end in the opposite direction your chick will be facing.
- Add the 1-inch square of background to the end of a 1 1/2 x 2 1/2 inch rectangle. The rectangle will have a vertical orientation. Add the snowball corner on the lower “inside” corner ( it should end up next to the chick’s head, not the outside of the block).
Trim and press all the seams and then lay out the block to make sure it’s all correct.
Sew it together from the inside out:
- Sew the two units with Chick fabric together.
- Add the other short rectangle to the one with the beak.
- Sew the beak to the body of the chick
- Sew the long rectangles to the top and bottom of what you have so far.
- Add the large rectangle to the non-beak side of the chick
You’re done.
Three roosters for Old MacDonald Mystery Sampler Quilt
Roosters for my sampler quilt. I still need to do lots more to catch up – sunflowers, grasses, chickens, barn doors, rest of the barn and that butterfly on a different background. Margaret
The last blocks for Old MacDonald’s Mystery Sampler Quilt
My best laid plans for having my Old MacDonald’s Sampler quilt finished for December 1, came and went … I am still hopeful for an end-of-the-year finish, but in the meantime, here’s the layout with all the blocks.
I will post more soon about how to make the half string-half split 9-patch blocks and share the bonus block pattern for the chicks … will anyone else be joining me in the race to the finish before the end of the year?
September blocks?
I think I missed the mailing info for September blocks. My husband had major surgery Sep 29 and was in hospital until yesterday so I’ve kind of been out of touch with the quilty world. Has the info gone out yet? If so, may I get another copy? I’ll try to get to the P.O. asap.
My 2016 block lotto challenge – from blocks to tops
Decided to use the blocks on the design wall from August, 2016 win, divided 9-patch blocks. I think it will make a nice crib-sized quilt:
Plaid 9-patch blocks revisited
I used Sophie’s pattern for making a pair of plaid 9-patch blocks (with her permission of course) for my quilt guild’s September block-of-the-month challenge and we got an overwhelming response. Block Lotto participants made this block in June 2015 from blue, black and white fabric. For my guild I changed it up by substituting pink for blue. My co-chair Robyn and I didn’t do a great job at the meeting this morning getting the blocks up onto the design wall, but you get the idea: we had way more blocks than we could fit (there are some that are not pictured) and several people told me they loved the pattern. So once again, Sophie comes through. Thanks Sophie for all you do!
Catching up with Old MacDonald
I’m finally catching up with blocks for my Old MacDonald Sampler. I tried the Spikey Blocks for July but just couldn’t seem to make them work for me so I made these alternate Spikey Blocks instead.
These are my August Purple Mountain Majesties.
And these are my September Barn Doors.
My 2016 block lotto challenge – from blocks to tops
My August top made from June 2011 3-patch blocks:
I won 47 blocks and made 17 additional blocks to complete the top. Not sure which blocks my September top will be from.
My 2016 block lotto challenge – from blocks to tops
My July top from 2012 June – Simplified Schoolhouse:
I added a few paper-pieced trees. My August top will be from 2011 June – Three-patch rectangle blocks.