My Design Wall So Far

Posted by on March 7, 2010 in Uncategorized | 2 comments

I received February blocks from Laura and Michelle.  Here’s how my design wall (which is clearly more of a curtain) looks this weekend with the blocks made by Andra, Kristin, Laura, Michelle and me.

February Lotto Blocks (so far)

I can’t wait to see the rest of them “alive and in person”


I linked this message to Judy Laquidera’s weekly Design Wall Monday post (since this is where I had posted my design wall).  Click over to her message and follow the links at the bottom to check out Design Walls all over blog land. 

If anyone else has lotto blocks on their design wall and wants to do the same, feel free to post it here and add the URL of your post to the list  . . .  especially if you don’t (yet) have a blog of your own.


  1. That's going to be a great quilt.

  2. woohoo, these are fantastic. congrats on the win, I am so jealous!

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