Blocks being mailed today, houses are a top
I am mailing star blocks to Linda, Sharon, and Mary Jane when I head to town this afternoon for errands and my guild meeting.
My husband came through his surgery just fine and went back to work last week. We had a round of stomach virus in the house and on Sept. 6 my brother got married…I quilted the quilt my Mom made for them.
On Labor Day I decided to get some of the I-Spy house blocks I won into a quilt top. I will be getting it quilted in the next 12 days, as it is a gift for my grandson who is due in October and the baby shower is Sept. 28. Here is the top…I need to find a nice backing fabric. My quilt consultant (DH) helped me decide block layout and sashing borders from some strips I had on hand.
I love your quilt. I liked this block but I couldn’t picture how they would go together! Your grandson will love it.
Oh how cute! Now I want to make one!
That is soooooo cute!!!! I’m with Cathy…… I want to make one!!!!!
This is so cute. I love it. Besides the I-spy in the windows, there is also I-spy a color with the houses.
It looks terrific! Please tell DH he has a good eye!
What a great kid’s quilt this has made! Thanks for showing us your result.