How was your week?

Posted by on February 1, 2013 in Linky Party | Comments Off on How was your week?

Another week  has passed (too quickly for me!) and time for another Weekend Update.  Join the list by adding the link to one of your blog posts below. (Directions for how to use the LinkTool, if you need them, are here.)

If you don’t have a blog of your own, add a post here in the block lotto community category and then link it.

Did you set quilting or other goals for January?  Did you meet them?

Did you try a new recipe, visit someplace interesting or just have a really great (or awful) day?   We’d love to read about it and get to know you better.

Looking forward, next weekend (February 8-10) will be our Topic weekend and the topic for Weekend Update will be:

I always wanted to try ____________.

I hope everyone will fill in the blank with something they’ve always wanted to try …  try it (or plan to try it) and blog about it.  It could be a quilting technique, a new craft, a new-to-you restaurant or recipe, a new sport … or anything.  What have you always wanted to try?

I’m headed out of town this weekend … and look forward to coming home and seeing what everyone has been up to.

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