Birds have landed in NYC

Posted by on May 14, 2013 in sent and received | 2 comments

I’ve received birds from Glenna, both Julies, Maree, Melissa, Narin, Pat K., Rachel, Sophie, Terry & Vicki. Working on a big project right now, so opening them will be my reward!Bird Blocks received


  1. I’m impressed with your self control … I usually end up opening anything “squishy” before I leave the post office 😉

    FYI, I edited your post to change the category from “blocks” to “sent and received.”

  2. I’m sorry about the tagging. I thought I had clicked both categories.

    Also, don’t be impressed by my ‘self-control.’ Months ago, I started taking everything out of my sewing room in anticipation of a new table my Mom’s friend is giving me. Then I developed a back problem, so everything is out and I haven’t been able to re-shelve or pick up things. . I’ve been making BL blocks in my living room and traveling for work. And of course with the warm weather, I needed to get out spring clothes, so my apartment looks like I’m auditioning for Hoarders. These birdies deserve better!

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