Wonky Geese
Many of you will recall that it is one month shy of the one year anniversary of that wonderful day when I went down on my motorcycle and lost the use on 1/2 of my body for 5 months and then had to learn to walk and use the arm all over again. Quilting has been my solace and my online friends here and at about.com have been wonderful. Your thoughts, prayers and wonky geese made my days bearable and made me eager to heal and return the favors or pay them forward. Thank you oh so very much.
What to do with the various wonky geese stayed on the brain and I thought and thought, but did not like anything I consciously did. So, I decided to make the black center first, then put all of the geese into a bag and I reached into the bag blindly to put each Dutchman’s Block together. Look at this wonderful result. I had to add only 2 geese to get this far. Suggestions for the borders………?
I like it!