You had mentioned to me that I could do a sixteen patch, would it be like Aprils but with purple and wow? Thanks everyone for sending the squishies, I will be looking forward to them It will be for my DSIL for Christmas.
1 Comment
March 5, 2009 at 12:47 AM
I would probably do a checkerboard 16-patch in blues and purples, but that’s my taste–I like analogous colorways and like the idea of a red-purple-blue quilt. You could also go randomly scrappy like we did for the block lotto and make them mixed up red, purple and white. I would try making a couple different 16-patch blocks (or just pull out some colored pencils) and see which look you like.
I would probably do a checkerboard 16-patch in blues and purples, but that’s my taste–I like analogous colorways and like the idea of a red-purple-blue quilt. You could also go randomly scrappy like we did for the block lotto and make them mixed up red, purple and white. I would try making a couple different 16-patch blocks (or just pull out some colored pencils) and see which look you like.