Shoo Flies from February Sneek Peekers
If you complete and post a photo of your lotto block(s) at least one week before the end of the month, you receive a “sneek peek” email message from me with the information for the next month’s lotto block. Quite a few took advantage of the sneek peek in February and have already completed these beautiful Floral Shoo Fly blocks for the March lotto.
Here are 8 blocks from Barbara (zizzybob):
6 blocks from Bonita (machinequilting):
8 blocks from Donna (pinky.hugs):
8 blocks from Kate (katelnorth):
6 blocks from Pat K (phx515):
8 from Sandy (centergranny):
6 from Terri (Terri55):
And 8 from me (jeansophie):
If you have been counting, that’s 58 blocks before the March Block Lotto officially began. Wow.