Susan: Lotto Blocks and Apologies
First, apologies to Cathy. Blocks are sitting here all addressed and I planned to mail them last Tuesday when I went to lunch with a friend. Then my friend’s daughter was hit with flu in the morning, and I got in in the afternoon! There is no warning with this nasty bug. You feel fine, and then you really, REALLY don’t. So still a little rocky, and plan to mail out as soon as I’ve been symptom-free for 24 hours, maybe Tuesday, if I’m lucky.
The last thing I did Tuesday morning was four lotto blocks for February.
I know several people who have been hit with the flu. it is nasty stuff, remember to get your flu shot. the local public health doctor was interviewed the other day and said the flu was like jumping off a three story building. but if you had the flu shot it was like jumping off a 3 food ledge, you still jumped but you survived!
Ha, ha, too late! I already jumped off the three-story building! =P I haven’t had the flu in 14 years, and I’d like it to be another 14 before I have it again.
Even though I did get a flu shot, I was hit hard … but for me, it didn’t last as long as for most people I know. Take good care of yourself Susan.
I’ve just been reading about what flu vaccines are and why they aren’t always effective. The best year since 2000 was less than 60% effective, and the worst was less than 20% effective. It’s sort of fascinating what they are trying to do each year, and the new directions research is going to have something more effective, and that would last a decade.
Cool scraps, rectangles, squares, and angles everywhere, perfect blocks to add to our group.