Blue Basket blocks

Posted by on September 3, 2018 in blocks | 5 comments

I love these whimsical blocks for September, so pretty and easy to create with the wonderfully detailed instructions provided.  I’d like to suggest that folks take their applique threads to the back, double knot them and then weave them into the back bobbin applique threads.  It takes just a bit of extra time but makes for a MUCH neater block with no chance of unsightly and unraveled threads cut too short to be secured.   I made five pairs and am crossing my fingers that I win.


  1. Beautiful!

    • Your baskets look great!

  2. How cute your baskets look, Barbara! Best of luck to you.

  3. I wasn’t going to make these blocks… now that I saw yours together I’m all in! Whimsical is a great word to describe this block. Kudos!

    • Thanks Kathy. They are surprisingly easy to make.

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